Ngqeleni police station members praised for sterling work in making arrests to curb drug dealing
Members of the Ngqeleni police station are pulling all punches to curb drug dealing in their policing precinct.Constables Luvuyo Bodoza and Fumanekile Zazaza recently conducted their patrol duties around the Ngqeleni policing precinct when they stopped a suspicious vehicle and after searching it found 5 bags of dagga.
They arrested Ayabulela Ndibongo who has since been sentenced to three years imprisonment.
Other members of the Ngqeleni SAPS have also put up a fight against dagga smuggling. Captain Mzingisi Mdokwe and Constables Lindi Ntshangase Samkelo Nondonga where conducting their routine crime prevention duties when they noticed a car suddenly making a U-turn.
Captain Mdokwe and Constables Ntshangase and Nondonga arrested two suspects that were in the vehicle before they could get out. They pursued the others and eventually arrested them.
“This station is proud to have committed members like these and Capt Mdokwe has been a consistent good example to his members for his excellent work ethics”, said Lt Col Gqaza.
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